Thursday, January 21, 2010

EEOC - Equal Employment Opp. Commission

Here's the background...I'd been working for Bank of America. When I started, I was placed in an area called, "The Cage." For real. The place reeked with oppression. I knew then that I didn't want to work there no longer than five years.

March of my sixth year, I got hired for Robert Vanderberry as his Administrative Assistant. Now, before him, I was an admin for THREE executives and excelled. By the end of March I was calling HR for help. He liked nothing I did and when I tried to approach him about my job performance, he'd give me the okey-doke. My job was to monitor his emails and I'd found one to his old admin that read: "I know you don't regret your decision to leave, but I do every single day..." I read between the lines and knew what was coming down the road. Therefore, I began to keep a paper trail.

Bob did everything he could to sabotage me. It got so bad that my doctor wrote me out for depression and anxiety. HR did nothing. I sent detailed letters to every manager of Bob's all the way to the CEO...and nothing. Bob even violated my associate privacy by emailing his old admin, "Alicia's out on short-term disability...I'd offer you the position in a heartbeat if I knew that that was your desire..." Ugh, he was so crude and ugly.

After I came back from STD, Bob immediately handed me a three page document of "Does Not Meet Expectations." He told me that he was giving me 30 days to find a new job or else I'd have to voluntarily resign. (Which was against policy, but HR did nothing.) What the heck?! I'd been gone for several months and before then, I received all "Meets" on my performance review.

So, I went to the EEOC to file a complaint. Do you think the EEOC will be able to help me fight against a large corporation? Will Bob ever be happy even if his "Precious" never returns? Will he ever find a wife away from home that will cater to him the way she did?

You know, I knew from the beginning that I didn't want to be there longer than 5 years and God said, by way of Bob Vanderberry, "Time is up...move on."

Pic of where they brought the slaves (Charleston, SC)...I'm posting this pic instead of The Cage or my old desk.


  1. Wow, Bob needed a mistress, not an assistant huh?

  2. When he offered his ex-admin her old job back she replied, "Do you still eat Big Macs with cheese, no onions and ketchup...chocolate shakeon the side?" She knew all his likes like a wife or mistress.
